$50 off
Get $50 off your New Zealand experience
Unlock more experiences with JUCY.
We’ve partnered with our buddies at Travello, the social network for travellers, and have snagged you a sweet JUCY deal in the form of a $50 discount voucher.
Spend your voucher on your first tour, attraction or activity across New Zealand as you choose. Like, maybe you’d like to save on a sky diving mission over Lake Taupō? Or perhaps you’d like to try white water sledging in Rotorua? How about saving on a wow-worthy cruise around Milford Sound? With a range of travel experiences, you’ve got heaps of options.
How to get your $50 voucher:
Book a JUCY car or campervan rental for your preferred dates
Complete the online check-in for your booking
On the last page of the check-in portal, you’ll find your secret squirrel $50 voucher code
After check-in, you’ll also receive said secret squirrel Travello experience code by email (once full payment has been processed)
How to claim your $50 voucher with Travello:
Pick your favourite Travello experience
Redeem your offer by entering your personalised voucher code upon checkout.
Hey, heads up: your smooth $50 can only be redeemed on your first Travello experience